Support Ukraine
Supporting Ukraine
We have all been deeply troubled by what is happening in Ukraine and our hearts are breaking for the people who have fled their homes to escape the conflict. Leaving behind jobs, belongings, and loved ones.
They are in desperate need of shelter, food, and water.
We know that people want to help the Ukrainian people and we thought it would be helpful to share ways you can support.
Sheffield is a city of sanctuary, we are proud of that fact and our city is open to those who need a safe place in their time of need. TheCity of Sanctuary website offers advice and information about how to donate directly to Ukrainian charities, as well as providing information about more direct action e.g. letters to MP’s and petitions.
Business in the Community is encouraging businesses to support the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Visit the DEC website to find out more about how it brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently. The UK Government will match fund donations pound-for-pound up to £20 million.
We would also ask Businesses to consider taking the following actions, as recommended by DEC.
- NOTIFY: Using internal communication channels to highlight the appeal to colleagues, clients, or memberships
- EXPERIENCE: Enhancing supporter experience through creative communications and opening up new donation channels
- AMPLIFY: Using external communication channels to highlight the appeal to customers, followers, and wider audiences across the UK public
- MATCH: Matching staff, client, customer, or public giving